Urban Development Economics


This course provides an overview of urban development economics, the study of the economic forces and consequences of urbanization and urban policy. It covers the main concepts, theories, and models of urban development economics, and how they can be used to analyze and evaluate various urban issues and policies, such as urban growth, urban structure, urban poverty, urban transportation, urban environment, and urban governance. The course also introduces the main tools and techniques of urban development economic analysis, such as spatial data, econometrics, cost-benefit analysis, and impact evaluation.

The objective of this course is to equip participants with the essential knowledge and skills to understand and apply the urban development economic principles and methods to real-world situations. By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the role and functions of urban development economics in a modern economy
  • Apply the main models and frameworks of urban development economic analysis
  • Assess the determinants and implications of different urban outcomes (e.g., productivity, inequality, livability)
  • Evaluate the effects of various urban policies (e.g., land use regulation, infrastructure investment, social protection) on efficiency and equity
  • Discuss the current trends and challenges facing urban development economics in the context of globalization, digitalization, and innovation

This course is designed for professionals who are interested in learning about urban development economics, its applications and implications. It is suitable for those who work in or interact with the urban sector, such as managers, consultants, analysts, investors, or educators. It is also relevant for those who want to enhance their general knowledge and skills in economics and finance.

By taking this course, participants will benefit from:

  • Gaining a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of urban development economics
  • Developing analytical and critical thinking skills to deal with urban issues
  • Enhancing their professional competence and confidence in the urban sector
  • Expanding their network and learning from peers and experts in the field

Day One:

Introduction to Urban Development Economics

  • What is urban development economics and why does it matter?
  • What are the main goals and challenges of urban development economics?
  • What are the key concepts and principles of urban development economics?
  • What are the main sources of data and information on urban development economics?

Day Two:

Urbanization and Urban Growth

  • What are the main drivers and patterns of urbanization across countries and regions?
  • How do cities grow in terms of population, area, density, and diversity?
  • How do cities contribute to economic growth and development?
  • How do cities face congestion costs and agglomeration benefits?

Day Three:

Urban Structure and Urban Land Use

  • What are the main theories of urban structure (e.g., monocentric vs. polycentric models)?
  • How do land use patterns vary across cities (e.g., central business district, residential zones)?
  • How do land markets determine land prices and rents?
  • How do land use regulations affect land allocation and welfare?

Day Four:

Urban Poverty and Urban Inequality

  • What are the main dimensions and determinants of urban poverty (e.g., income, consumption, multidimensional)?
  • How do urban inequality measures differ from rural or national ones (e.g., spatial inequality)?
  • How do urban poverty and inequality affect social mobility and social cohesion?
  • How do social protection policies address urban poverty and inequality (e.g., cash transfers, housing subsidies)?

Day Five:

Urban Transportation and Urban Environment

  • What are the main modes and characteristics of urban transportation (e.g., public vs. private transport)?
  • How do transportation systems affect accessibility, mobility, and travel behavior?
  • How do transportation policies affect congestion, pollution, and accidents (e.g., road pricing, fuel taxes)?
  • How do environmental issues affect urban quality of life (e.g., air quality, climate change)?

To enhance learning and practical application of concepts, the training course will use a combination of interactive lectures, case studies, group discussions, practical exercises, and real-world examples. Participants will also get the chance to collaborate on group projects and create action plans adapted to the needs of their respective organizations.

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