Day One:
Leadership and Confidence
| Learn the concept and importance of confidence for leadership effectiveness and organizational success |
| Understand the sources and factors of self-confidence and how to enhance them |
| Understand the role of body language in communication and how to use it effectively |
| Overcome the fear of speaking in public by using various tools and techniques such as preparation, practice, relaxation, etc. |
| Assess your self-perception and how it affects your confidence and performance |
Day Two:
Leadership and Communication to Groups
| Learn the skills and techniques for running efficient and effective meetings such as agenda setting, time management, facilitation, etc. |
| Learn how to prepare for and structure a business presentation by using various tools and techniques such as audience analysis, objective setting, storytelling, etc. |
| Learn how to overcome the nerves of giving a business presentation by using various tools and techniques such as visualization, affirmation, breathing, etc. |
| Learn how to deal with questions from senior leaders by using various skills and techniques such as listening, clarifying, answering, etc. |
| Learn how to sell yourself, your organization, and your ideas by using various skills and techniques such as persuasion, evidence, benefits, etc. |
| Learn how to build rapport in business presentations by using various skills and techniques such as humour, empathy, feedback, etc. |
Day Three:
Leadership and Communication to Get Results
| Learn the power of using stories to get messages across and how to use them effectively |
| Learn how to use analogies effectively to explain complex or abstract concepts |
| Learn how to use evidence to win people over to your way of thinking by using various tools and techniques such as facts, statistics, testimonials, etc. |
| Increase your personal power and charisma by using various skills and techniques such as assertiveness, confidence, enthusiasm, etc. |
| Learn when to be strong and when to play weak in communication situations by using various strategies such as concession, compromise, collaboration, etc. |
| Learn how to use inclusive/exclusive language and its effect on people by using various examples such as we/you, us/them, etc. |
Day Four:
Leadership and Passion
| Learn the importance of passion for leadership effectiveness and organizational performance |
| Develop your courage and confidence in conflict situations by using various tools and techniques such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, etc. |
| Beat your comfort zone and take more risks by using various tools and techniques such as stretching, challenging, rewarding, etc. |
| Use your full range of communication by using various channels and modes such as verbal, non-verbal, written, visual, etc. |
| Use powerful closes that move people to action by using various skills and techniques such as call-to-action, urgency, incentive, etc. |
| Become a magnetic personality by using various skills and techniques such as charisma, influence, rapport, etc. |
Day Five:
Leadership and Profile
| Learn how to conduct yourself to senior people by using various skills and techniques such as respect, professionalism, etiquette, etc. |
| Learn how to sell change to people who don’t want to change by using various skills and techniques such as communication, motivation, persuasion, etc. |
| Learn how to sell unpopular policies to team by using various skills and techniques such as explanation, justification, consultation, etc. |
| Learn how to make yourself memorable by using various skills and techniques such as uniqueness, value-addition, repetition, etc. |
| Be a radiator not a drain by using various skills and techniques such as positivity, optimism, energy, etc. |
| Take the speaking challenge by applying your leadership communication skills in a real or simulated situation |