Day One:
Why Public Policy is needed
- Value of public policy in modern World
- What is the significance of theoretical and empirical approaches for comprehending public policy
- Goals and objectives of public policy
- Causes and solution of market failure
- Difference between public and private goods
Day Two:
Individuals; groups and policy Interactions
- Rationality assumptions in Public Policy
- Bounded rationality
- Science of human behaviour
- Fundamental equilibrium concepts
- Common strategic goals, tools and policies
- The process of bargaining between stakeholders; their success and failure.
Day Three:
Institutions, their Interests and Public Policy
- Institutions and market failures
- Institutions and social failures
- Core institutional theory
- Policy tools to solve market failures
- Agency slack, shirking, and slippage
- Principal–agent problems in public policy
- Costs and benefits of policy process and implementation
- How institutions cause and address policy problems
- Institutional interests in policymaking and policy failures
- Institutions Vs Individuals and civil society groups.
Day Four:
Quantitative and Qualitative Skills
- Different techniques of data analysis
- Statistical analysis
- Text/Content Analysis
- Basics of Regression Analysis
- Probability Analysis
- Limitations of statistical analysis in public policy
- correlation and causation analysis in policy analysis
- Qualitative and Descriptive methods
- Experimental design
Day Five:
Policy Evaluation
- Impact Evaluation
- Limitations of Causal inference
- Cost and benefits of Impact Evaluation
- Ethical and philosophical concerns in policy evaluations
- Why are some policies that do not qualify in evaluations still get implemented?
- Major issues in policy implementations
Day Six:
Policy Communication
- Effective and efficient policy communication tools
- Why communication is important in public policy?
- Internal and External communication
- Data visualization techniques
- Assess the usefulness of data visualizations used in public policy communication
- Policy memo
- Policy Draft
- Policy briefing
- Media Interaction
- Use of social media
Day Seven:
Public Policy Processes
- Policy cycle
- Political, social and economic factors influencing public policy process and its implementation
- Agenda setting
- Incremental decision-making
- Non-incremental decision-making
- Policy implementation process; causes of failures
- Role of bureaucracy
Day Eight:
Accountability in Public Policy
- Public representation in public policy
- Accountability in the public policy
- Political Representation and political cycle
- Political Business Cycle
- Change in public policy with change in governments
- Stockholders’ role in Public Policy
- Electoral accountability
- Social Responsibility analysis
- Interest groups and status quo in public policy
- Principal–agent problem
- Rent Seeking in Public policy
- Human rights in Public policy implementation
Role of multilateral organizations like IMF and World Bank in public policy.
Day Nine:
The Politics of Public Policy
- Constitution and public policy
- Courts and Public policy
- Electoral systems and Public Policy
- Role of Political parties
- Regionalization in Public Policy
- Centralized and decentralized public policy
- Role of Media
- Parliamentary and Presidential systems
- Public policy in non-democratic regimes.
- Structural problems in public policy
Day Ten:
Challenges for Public Policy
- Real-world country specific case studies
- Comparative analysis
- Learning policy effects across borders
- Lunch and Networking