
Equal Opportunities in the Organization: Concepts, Practices and Skills

Equal opportunities in the organization means that everyone within an organization should have an equal chance to apply and be selected for posts, to be trained or promoted equally and fairly, and to have their employment terminated equally and fairly. No one should have poorer life chances because of things they cannot change, such as […]

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Organizational Economics

This course provides an overview of organizational economics, the study of how incentives and organization affect the behavior and performance of individuals, firms, and institutions in the economy. It covers the main concepts, theories, and models of organizational economics, and how they can be used to analyze and evaluate various organizational issues and policies. The

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Organizational Economics

This course provides an overview of organizational economics, the study of how incentives and organization affect the behavior and performance of individuals, firms, and institutions in the economy. It covers the main concepts, theories, and models of organizational economics, and how they can be used to analyze and evaluate various organizational issues and policies. The

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Organizational Economics for Businesses: How to Design and Manage Effective Organizations

This course provides an overview of organizational economics, the study of how economic principles and methods can be applied to design and manage effective organizations. It covers the main concepts, theories, and models of organizational economics, and how they can be used to address various organizational challenges and opportunities, such as incentive problems, coordination issues,

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Organizational Economics for Businesses: How to Design and Manage Effective Organizations

This course provides an overview of organizational economics, the study of how economic principles and methods can be applied to design and manage effective organizations. It covers the main concepts, theories, and models of organizational economics, and how they can be used to address various organizational challenges and opportunities, such as incentive problems, coordination issues,

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Behavioral Finance

This course provides an overview of behavioral finance, the study of how psychological factors affect financial behavior and outcomes. It covers the main concepts, theories, and methods of behavioral finance, and how they can be used to understand and improve individual and social choices, such as consumption, saving, investing, working, voting, and cooperating. The course

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Behavioral Finance

This course provides an overview of behavioral finance, the study of how psychological factors affect financial behavior and outcomes. It covers the main concepts, theories, and methods of behavioral finance, and how they can be used to understand and improve individual and social choices, such as consumption, saving, investing, working, voting, and cooperating. The course

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Urban Development Economics

This course provides an overview of urban development economics, the study of the economic forces and consequences of urbanization and urban policy. It covers the main concepts, theories, and models of urban development economics, and how they can be used to analyze and evaluate various urban issues and policies, such as urban growth, urban structure,

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Urban Development Economics

This course provides an overview of urban development economics, the study of the economic forces and consequences of urbanization and urban policy. It covers the main concepts, theories, and models of urban development economics, and how they can be used to analyze and evaluate various urban issues and policies, such as urban growth, urban structure,

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Development Economics for NGOs

This course provides an overview of development economics for NGOs, the study of how economic principles and methods can be applied to design, implement, monitor, and evaluate development interventions by non-governmental organizations (NGOs). It covers the main concepts, theories, and models of development economics, and how they can be used to understand and address various

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