Crisis and Emergency Leadership How to Lead Effectively and Ethically in Challenging Situations – Online


Crises and emergencies are unpredictable and complex situations that pose significant challenges to leaders and organizations. How can leaders prepare for and respond to such events effectively and ethically? How can they make rational decisions under pressure and uncertainty? How can they lead teams and organizations through chaos and uncertainty? How can they solve the problem and manage the risk? How can they communicate with stakeholders and the media? How can they learn from the experience and improve for the future?

This course will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to answer these questions and become a successful leader in crises and emergencies. You will learn about the psychology and dynamics of crises and emergencies, the rational decision-making processes, the principles of team and organizational leadership, the elements of risk management, and the ethical factors in crisis and emergency leadership. You will also learn from real-world examples and case studies of leaders who faced crises and emergencies in different contexts and sectors.

  • Understand the nature, evolution, and impact of crises and emergencies on individuals, teams, organizations, and society
  • Apply rational decision-making processes to make effective and efficient decisions in crises and emergencies
  • Lead teams and organizations through crises and emergencies using mission-based leadership, rapid teambuilding, interagency collaboration, operational command, and information management
  • Solve the problem and manage the risk in crises and emergencies using cause-effect analysis, crisis/emergency command centre, prevention, response, containment, recovery, business continuity, situational awareness, operational rhythm, routines
  • Communicate effectively and ethically with subordinates, authorities, public, victims, media in crises and emergencies using caring, self-care, responsibility, accountability, transparency, blame management, after-action review, lessons learned
  • Prepare for the next crisis or emergency by developing a culture of preparedness, learning from experience, improving strategies

Day One:

Psychology and Dynamics of Crises and Emergencies

  • The nature of crises and emergencies: definitions, types, characteristics
  • Individual psychology under crisis and emergency conditions: stress, fear, panic, resilience
  • Collective psychology under crisis and emergency conditions: groupthink, social identity, conformity
  • Evolution and dynamics of crises and emergencies: stages, triggers, escalation
  • Tasks of leaders before, during, and after a crisis or emergency: anticipation, preparation, response

Day Two: Rational Decision-Making in Crises and Emergencies

  • Instinct, intuition, reason: modes of thinking in crises and emergencies
  • Rational decision-making processes: steps, models
  • Individual decision-making: biases heuristics
  • Collective decision-making: consultation consensus
  • Delegation through mission-based leadership: empowerment autonomy
  • Nested hierarchical planning operations: goals objectives

Day Three: Leading Teams Organizations

  • Organizational public responsibilities of leaders in crises emergencies: duty care
  • Crisis/emergency management organization: structure roles
  • Creating effective efficient teams through rapid teambuilding: trust cooperation
  • Creating effective efficient interagency cooperation collaboration: coordination integration
  • Organizational team dynamics: morale cohesion mood unity purpose
  • Principles of operational command leadership: authority responsibility

Day Four: Solving the Problem: Managing the Crisis or Emergency

  • Seeking cause effect to solve the problem not to attribute blame responsibility: root analysis
  • Creating running a crisis/emergency command centre: location equipment staff
  • Elements of risk management: prevention response containment recovery
  • Principles of business continuity crisis operations: continuity disruption
  • Information gathering situational awareness: sources methods accuracy reliability
  • Operational rhythm routines information management: cycles reports feedback

Day Five: Ethical Factors in Crisis Emergency Leadership

  • Caring for subordinates their families: support assistance welfare
  • The leader’s self-care: health wellbeing balance
  • Responsibilities to authorities public victims: honesty openness compassion
  • Managing leveraging the media: engagement influence reputation
  • After-action review lessons learned processes: evaluation improvement learning
  • Preparing for the next crisis or emergency: readiness adaptation innovation

To enhance learning and practical application of concepts, the training course will use a combination of interactive lectures, case studies, group discussions, practical exercises, and real-world examples. Participants will also get the chance to collaborate on group projects and create action plans adapted to the needs of their respective organizations.

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